Goalkeeper Balint Virgil in action against Târgu Mureș (1975)
Veteran players Roth Andrei (Drishi) (left) and Toth-Somoray Peter (photo circa 1973)
ILSA Timisoara vs.Triumf Bucharest (1983). Goalkeeper: Weiszpecher Ladislau. Defenders: Wachter Arthur (no. 7) and Toth Nandor (no. 2)
ILSA youth water polo team in Arad (circa 1983). BACK ROW, left to right: unidentified, unidentified, Mihai Lisețchi, coach Weiszpecher Ladislau, Toth Nandor, unidentified. FRONT ROW: All unidentified.
Water polo team (1983), left to right: REAR:Toth-Somoray Peter, Weiszpecher Ladislau, Emil Fărcuța, Nicolae Andreescu, Alexandru Cinteanu, Constantin Manea, Wachter Arthur, Toth Nandor.
FRONT: Boros Peter, Kosar Dezsö, Petru Todoruț, 'Mortul', Vasile Grecu, Gross Ladislau, Robert Wittigaer
Youth water polo team (Juniori II) (1986) BACK ROW, left to right: Kolhammer Sandor, Marius Pascariu, Harald Ziegler, coach Constantin Manea, Sorin Stîngaciu, Marius Ursu, Siegfried Jung. FRONT ROW, left to right: Bruno Weissmann, Baka Sanyi, Mihai Ursu, Vasile Georgevici, Megyesi Csaba
ILSA water polo team (1986).
BACK ROW, left to right: Adrian Lederer, unidentified, Șerban Deșliu, Szabo Gabriel, Vasile Grecu, Iuliu Olac, Toth Nandor. FRONT ROW, left to right: Sorin Stîngaciu, Harald Ziegler, Petre Todoruț, Kosar Dezsö, Marian Sterpu.
Water polo players, left to right: unidentified, Pușcașiu, Sorin Grada, Kosar Dezsö, Weiszpecher Ladislau, Toth Nandor, Constantin Manea, Toth-Somoray Peter (1982)
Player Toth-Somoray Peter (left) and coach Alexandru Cinteanu in Cluj (1982)
ILSA water polo players, left to right: Toth-Somoray Peter, Toth Nandor, Constantin Manea, Balint Virgil, Kosar Dezsö
Water polo player Toth-Somoray Peter (left) and player-coach Constantin Manea (1982)
Player-coach Constantin Manea (right), with player Boros Peter (1983)
ILSA water polo team rosters