Left to right: Adalbert Stãnescu, Kuliner Lica, Mrs. Stãnescu, Papa Csöpi (circa 1963)
Player and future coach Alexandru Cinteanu, nicknamed Cinti, associated with ILSA for over four decades.
National champion swimmer and water polo player Papa Csöpi (circa 1960)
Player and future coach Alexandru Cinteanu (right), with player Bernstein Leopold (photo circa 1956)
Bernstein Ernö, one of ILSA's best players of the late 1950s and 1960s.
Water polo player Toth-Somoray Peter, with his son Gabriel. Toth-Somoray joined the team in 1965 and played until 1984.
Goalkeeper Peter Goldstein (circa 1968)
Sergiu Morariu (Tzulu) (left) and Perl Miklos, an enthusiastic supporter of the club (circa 1968)
Swimmer and water polo player Sergiu Morariu (Tzulu)
Swimmer and water polo player Sergiu Morariu (Tzulu)
Water polo players Tiberiu Brătianu and Böhm Gabi (front) (photo circa 1969)
FRONT ROW, left to right: Iancu Adrian (groundskeeper), Alexandru Cinteanu, Roth Andrei. BACK ROW: Weiszpecher Ladislau (2nd from left).
All others unidentified (photo circa 1968)
Water polo team in Bucharest. STANDING, left to right: Ladanyi Francisc, Giurgiu Mircea (team supporter), Peter Goldstein, Dan Manolescu.
SQUATTING: Böhm Gyuri (photo 1969)
Water polo player and referee Tiberiu Babeu, with wife Doina