Gyula-Bacsi (left), ILSA's first groundskeeper. Former European rowing champion (Ferencvaros Budapest). Photo shows Gyula-Bacsi ferrying four ILSA swimmers across the Bega (left to right: Herzl Bozsi, Berger Zsuzsa, Berger Eva, Berger Klara) (photo 1939)
ILSA, the textile factory, was active in many sports, such as soccer, tennis, rowing, boxing, team handball, fencing, wrestling, shooting, volleyball, etc. This 1945 photo shows some of ILSA's tennis players. From left to right: Juhasz, Weisz Laci, Vamos Lici, Genud Jozsef and Vamos Gabi.
LEFT: An old photo of the Neptun Baths, featuring the city's only indoor pool at the time. Despite its inadequate size, the Neptun pool served as ILSA's winter training facilty for a number of years. RIGHT: The same pool, after its renovation (circa 1965).
Prime-Minister Petru Groza (white suit) meeting Romania's national water polo team, which included four ILSA players: Weinreich Lali (1), Török Gabor (2), Adalbert  Stănescu (3) and Norman Zoltan (4). Photo 1951.
Groundskeeper Adrian Iancu (left) cleaning the pool, an operation that typically took place on Sundays. By Monday noon, the pool would be refilled with water from the river Bega.
BACK ROW, from left to right: Janitor Bojtor-Bacsi, groundskeeper Adrian Iancu and water polo player Ladanyi Francisc. FRONT ROW: Water polo player Ladanyi Eugen (right), with an unidentified person. Known by everyone as Iancu-Baci, Adrian Iancu served as ILSA's groundskeeper for at least two decades.
Groundskeeper Adrian Iancu (center) sitting with Viorel Vladislav (future president of ILSA's water polo club) (right) and an unidentified friend (photo circa 1969)
A gathering of Romania's elite water polo referees, among them ILSA's own Tiberiu Babeu (front center).
Swimming instructor Böhm Gyuri with a group of beginners (circa 1969)
ILSA's two most-decorated married couples. LEFT: Lali & Greti Weinreich, with more than ten national campion titles between them. RIGHT: Sandu & Yvonne Deac. A two-time national champion, Sandu married teammate Yvonne, a nationally ranked swimmer herself.
Coached by ILSA's Balint Adalbert (far right), Romania's water polo national team finished 5th at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. Photo from the personal collection of Niculae Firoiu (2nd from left).
Török Gabor (far left) and the Ferencvaros water polo team (photo 1941). In 1945, Török moved to Romania, then, one year later, led ILSA to its first of six consecutive titles of national champion.
Olympian Novak Jozsef, member of Romania's national team in both swimming and water polo. Multiple national champion in both sports. Maestru al Sportului in both sports.
Two former ILSA swimmers still active decades later: Mirela Lupu (pictured here at the 2019 World Masters Championships in South Korea) and Kuhn Alexandru, who has competed in dozens of international Masters swim meets in multiple countries.
Three former ILSA athletes with successful water polo careers after they left Romania: Ladner Robert (1) and Lehrer Bandi (2), both with Israel's national team, and Flesch Roland (3) who represented the Australian state of New South Wales in Australia's water polo championships (photo 1972).
Adalbert Stănescu (Maestru Emerit al Sportului), with his beloved BMW motorcycle. Photo circa 1958.
Sign on the fence, near the entrance (photo 2004)