Lusztig Laszlo (left), a member of ILSA's first water polo team (with Schwartz Edith) (photo 1939)
Flesch Bandi (Bonzo), a member of ILSA's first water polo and swim team (photo 1939)
Freund Peter hanging from the rail (1941). Later in life, he taught theoretical physics at the University of Chicago, where he earned the title of Professor Emeritus.
Swimmer and water polo player Albala Sanyi (1939)
Swimmers Merkler Juci (left) and Herzl Bozsi (1939)
Schwartz Edith (Farkas) (left) and Genud Elly (1940), with ILSA's boathouse and tennis courts in the background
One of the earliest ILSA members: Flesch Eva (Stern) (1940)
Swimmer Merkler Juci (1939)
One year after the inauguration of the pool: Schwartz Edith (right) and Mezei Piri (photo 1940)