1. Search entire site using this page (this method produces good results)
- The search box of this page requires the use of diacritic symbols (ă, î, â, ș, ț, ö, ü, etc.)
- The search yields a listing of all pages that contain your search term
- Navigate to any listed page, then use your browser's search function (no need to use diacritics)
2. Search entire site using Google Search (results may not be 100% accurate)
- In your browser, open a new tab (or switch to an open one), then follow this example:
- To search for the word Băncilă, for example, enter: bancila site:ilsatimisoara.ro
- The search is not case sensitive and there's no need to use diacritic symbols
- The search yields a listing of all pages that contain your search term
- Navigate to any listed page, then use your browser's search function (no need to use diacritics)